
Professor Emeritus (Educational Sciences)

PositionNameResearch FieldsResearch Keywords
Professor EmeritusOgata KazuoEducational psychologyThe Role of Father to Children's Development, The Development of Family and Father, Father's Cooperation With Family Members and Their Adaptation, Family system
Professor EmeritusOride KenjiEducational Methodology, Life Guidance StudiesLife Guidance, Self-reliance of Child, Relationships to Others
Professor EmeritusKoizumi Naoshi,
Professor EmeritusKoyasu Jun,
Professor EmeritusGoto HitomiSchool Health,health education,Yogo ScienceYogo teacher
Professor EmeritusSakayanagi TsuneoSocial psychologyCareer Guidance & Counseling
Professor EmeritusSakuragi Sokichi
Professor EmeritusSato Yoichilanguage skill, Lesson study, achievement study, Japanese literatureliteracy, application/acquistion, language teaching, description
Professor EmeritusSANO TakehikoSocial psychologyIntelligence
Professor EmeritusShimizu HiroshiMathematics education, Lesson planning, Incumbent educationMathematics education, Lesson study, Mathematical vocabulary
Professor EmeritusNomura KazuoScience education, PedagogyEducation, Curriculum Studies
Professor EmeritusFujii Chie