イド | アヤコ | |
井戸 | 絢子 | (Ido Ayako) |

自然科学系 数学教育講座
博士(理学), 奈良女子大学
キーワード: 3次元多様体,結び目理論
Ayako Ido, Yeonhee Jang and Tsuyoshi Kobayashi:
On keen weakly reducible bridge splittings of links,
RIMS Koukyuroku, 京都大学数理解析研究所, Vol. 2263, 2023 河上翔太先生の講演「数学的な見方・考え方を働かせながら学びを深める生徒の育成」を拝聴して,
イプシロン, Vol. 64, pp. 108, 2023井戸 絢子:
イプシロン, 愛知教育大学数学教育講座, Vol. 62, 2021Ayako Ido, Yeonhee Jang, Tsuyoshi Kobayashi:
On keen Heegaard splittings,
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, the Mathematical Society of Japan, 2018Ayako Ido:
An estimate of Hempel distance for bridge spheres,
Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, Korean Mathematical Society, 2015Ayako Ido, Yeonhee Jang, Tsuyoshi Kobayashi:
Bridge splittings of links with distance exactly n,
Topology and its Applications, ELSEVIER, 2015Ayako Ido, Yeonhee Jang, Tsuyoshi Kobayashi:
Heegaard splittings of distan ce exactly n,
Algebraic and Geomet ric Topology 14, 1395- 1411, Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2014Ayako Ido, Yeonhee Jang, and Tsuyoshi Kobayashi:
(1,1)-bridge splitting with distance exactly n,
京都大学数理解析研究所講究録, Vol. 1868, pp. 32-37, 2013Ayako Ido, Yeonhee Jang, and Tsuyoshi Kobayashi:
Extending geodesics in the curve complex,
京都大学数理解析研究所講究録, Vol. 1836, pp. 1-6, 2013Ayako Ido:
"Isotoping Heegaard surfaces in neat positions with respect to critical distance Heegaard surfaces",
Topology and its App., Vol. 159, pp. 1106-1114, 2012Ayako Ido:
An estimation of Hempel distance by using Reeb graph,
J. Knot Theory Ramifications, Vol. 20, No. 8, pp. 1073-1092, 2011口頭・ポスター発表
Ayako Ido:
On keen weakly reducible bridge splittings of links
東北結び目セミナー2023, 山形大学, 20231:
On unique geodesics in the curve complex
Knots in Tsushima 2019, 対馬市交流センター (TIARA), 20191:
On unique geodesics in the curve complex
北陸結び目セミナー2019, 金沢大学サテライト・プラザ, 2019Hempel距離の実現問題について
奈良トポロジーセミナー, 奈良女子大学, 2018On keen Heegaard splitting
The 10th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, 華東師範大学, 上海, 中国, 2015On keen Heegaard splitting
Singularities in Generic Geometry and its Applications-- Kobe-Kyoto 2015 (Valencia IV) --, 京都大学数理解析研究所, 2015On keen Heegaard splitting
東北結び目セミナー2014, カレッジプラザ, 2014Heegaard splitting with distance exactly n
Low dimensional Topology and Number Theory V, 2013On the distance of Heegaard splitting for a closed 3-manifold
Pursuit of the essence of Singularity Theory, 2012Heegaard splitting with distance exactly n for each non-negative integer n
UCSB Topology seminar, 2012結び目の橋分解の距離について
琉球結び目セミナー2012, 2012Heegaard splitting with distance exactly n for each non-negative integer n
日大トポロジーセミナー, 2012On the distance of bridge sphere for knots
名古屋幾何学合同セミナー2012, 2012On the distance of bridge sphere for knots
トポロジー金曜セミナー, 2012On the distance of bridge sphere for knots
The 8th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, 2012The Rubinstein-Scharlemann graphic derived from bridge splittings and their applications
トポロジーとコンピューター2011, 2011On genus g Heegaard splittings with distance 2g
Knots In Ryukyu, 2011Isotoping Heegaard surfaces in neat positions with respect to critical distance Heegaard surfaces
Workshop on Topology and Geometry Heegaard splittings of 3-manifolds, 2011Isotoping Heegaard surfaces in neat positions with respect to critical distance Heegaard surfaces
Workshop on Low dimensional Topology in Shanghi and Suzhu, 2011On Reeb graphs derived from Heegaard splittings with distance 2g
The 7th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, 2011On Reeb graphs derived from Heegaard splittings with distance 2g
結び目の数学III, 2010On Reeb complex induced by graphic of Heegaard splittings
トポロジーとコンピューター2010, 2010On Reeb graph and Hempel distance of Heegaard splittings
International Conference on Topology and Its Applications 2010 ---A Joint Conference with "5th Japan Mexico Topology Conference", 2010Rubinstein-Scharlemann graphic and Hempel distance of 3-manifolds
空間認識のための特異点論, 2010
Friday Seminar on Knot Theory, 2010
Reeb graph を用いた Heegaard 分解の distance の評価
日本数学会2010年度会, 2010Rubinstein-Scharlemann graphic と Heegaard 分解の distance について
Spring Workshop 2010 on Low-Dimensional Topology and its Ramifications, 2010An estimation of Heegaard distance by using Reeb graph
The 6th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics, 2010An estimation of Heegaard distance by using Reeb graph
結び目の数学II, 2009科学研究費補助金:
2022-2023, 曲線複体のkeen測地線の展開と応用, 研究活動スタート支援, 代表者
2015-2017, 曲線複体の細密な性質を用いた3次元多様体のヘンペル距離の研究(課題番号:15H06284), 代表者
2024, S 数学探究Ⅲ
2024, L 科学リテラシー
2024, S 微分積分演習Ⅰ
2024, S 微分積分演習Ⅱ
2024, S 線形数学Ⅰ
2024, S 線形数学Ⅱ
2024, S 幾何学A
2024, S 幾何学特論
2024, S 数学探究Ⅱ
2024, S 数学探究Ⅰ
2024, S 学校数学探究Ⅲ
2024, S 学校数学探究Ⅱ
2024, S 学校数学探究Ⅰ
2022-2023, 就職支援委員会 委員
2022-2023, 男女共同参画推進委員会 委員
2023, 過半数代表委員 委員