James Venema
人文社会科学系 外国語教育講座
1997年9月, 2002年6月
キーワード: Debate, Academic Writing, Fables and fairytales, Oral testing, curriculum development, negotiating meaning, Intercultural Communication Skills
James Venema, Yuxi Bao:
Beyond Code-Switching: Problem Solving Mechanisms in Student Interactions in a Japanese EFL Classroom,
愛知教育大学外国語研究, Vol. 56, 2023Automated Editing of EFL Student Writing: A Comparison of Microsoft Word and Google Docs,
Bulleting of Aichi University of Education, Vol. 72, 2023 The Evolution of Homeschooling in North America,
Bulleting of Aichi Univ. of Education, Vol. 66, 2021Negotiation of Meaning,
Englsh Teaching Professional, Vol. 127, 2020Maximizing English in the EFL Classroom,
Perspectives on English Education in Japan, 2019The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP) and ClIL: some overlapping themes and implications,
CLIL in Diverse Contexts, 2019CLIL in Elementary Schools in Japan: Challenges and Opportunities,
CLIL in Diverse Contexts, 2019Academic Writing Through Debate,
English Teaching Professional, English Teaching Professional, 2018An Introduction to Debate.,
Classroom Resources: Practical Ideas for Teachers, 2016An Introduction to Debate,
Classroom Resources: Practical Ideas for Englsh Teachers, 2016James Venema:
Active word power,
English Teaching Professional, Vol. 70, 2010James Venema:
Coordinating curriculum and teachers: standardizing or community building?,
Explorations in Teacher Education, Vol. 18 (1), 2010James Venema:
Expanding the dialogue: incorporating classroom obsevations in curriculum development,
The Language Teacher, Vol. 34 (5), 2010James Venema, Douglas Jarrell, Naoko Hazumi:
英語の母語話者と非母語話者のインタラクションにおける理解困難な発話 (Non-native speaker incomprehensible utterances in native and non-native speaker interactions,
Journal of Nagoya Women's University, Vol. 56, 2010James Venema:
PLCs, control, and professional dialogue: a response to Sosa and Casanave,
OnCue Journal, Vol. 3 (1), 2009James Venema, Russel Notestine:
A task-based curriculum for homestay students,
The Asian EFL Journal Teaching Articles, Vol. 3, 2008James Venema:
Negotiating objectives in a language program,
The Language Teacher, Vol. 32 (8), 2008James Venema, Douglas Jarrell:
"Basic English" in the faculty of literature: standardizing and coordinating a general education course,
Journal of the International Department of Language and Expression, Nagoya Women's University, Vol. 53, 2007James Venema:
Coordinating a university language program: some lessons learned,
The Language Teacher, Vol. 31 (3), 2007James Venema:
For and Against,
English Teaching Professional, Vol. 48, 2007James Venema:
Professional learning communities: a model for curriculum reform in Japan,
On Cue Journal, Vol. 1, 2007James Venema:
Using a limerick to introduce connected speech,
The Language Teacher, Vol. 31 (4), 2007James Venema:
Teacher becoming writers: some suggestions for publishing,
Explorations in Teacher Education, Vol. 14 (2), 2006James Venema:
Using peer observation to encourage negotiation of meaning,
The Language Teacher, Vol. 30 (4), 2006James Venema:
Canadian immigration history: a crash course in researching and presenting Canadian content,
Canadian Content, Vol. 15 (2), 2005James Venema:
Incorporating debate in the classroom: making it accessible,
On Cue, Vol. 11 (2), 2003James Venema:
Resolved: debate is an effective classroom task!,
Explorations in Teacher Education, Vol. 11 (1), 2003James Venema:
Developing classroom specific rating scales: clarifying teacher assessment of oral communicative competence,
Shiken, Vol. 6 (1), 2002James Venema:
A co-operative, task-based approach to syllabus design,
On Cue, Vol. 9 (3), 2001James Venema:
Learning styles and the classroom: introversion/extroversion and student performance on classroom tasks,
Chubu University Journal of the College of International Studies, Vol. 24, 2000口頭・ポスター発表
Learning, Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking Conference, 南山大学, 2016Encouraging Learning with an online learning resource
JALT CALL Conference, 2015, 九州産業大学, 2015Fables, fairy-tales and the English classroom
The Heart of the Matter: Literature in Language Teacing, 愛知大学, 2014Formal debate and academic writing: facilitating critical thinking and effective writing
JALT Pan-SIG Conference 2013, 南山大学, 2013Fables, fairy-tales and the English classroom
JALT Pan-SIG Conference 2012, 広島大学, 2012James Venema:
Great Debate in the EFL Classroom
第41回中部地区英語教育学会, Fukui University, Fukui, 2011J Venema, D Jarrell:
Curriculum and community: coordinating teachers and developing English curriculum
第40回中部地区英語教育学会, Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, 2010J Venema, G Minehane, T Tadaki:
English language programs at Japanese universities: the end of an era of individual performances?
第39回中部地区英語教育学会, Tokoha University Shizuoka, 2009What are we trying to achieve? Negotiating objectives in a language program
JALT 2008, Tokyo, 2008Building a professional community of teachers: coordinating meetings
The Art of Coordination: Sharing Our Experiences, Nanzan University, Nagoya, 2007J Venema, K Emori, D Jarrell:
Coordinating and managing change
JALT Nagoya, 2007J Venema, B McCaughan:
Developing a curriculum support website
JALT 2007, Tokyo, 2007J Venema, A Robins:
Formal debate in the EFL class: the why and the how
JALT 2007, Tokyo, 2007J Venema, D Jarrell, M LoDico, S Lukwago, S Mulvey:
Perspectives on curriculum coordination: full-timers and part-timers
JALT Pan-SIG Conference, Sendai, 2007James Venema:
Professional learning communities: a model for curriculum reform?
JALT Pan-SIG Conference, Sendai, 2007J Venema, I Ozawa, A Robins, F Webster:
Publishing as a mode of teacher education
JALT Pan-SIG Conference, Shizuoka, 2006J Venema, B Cullen, M Rebuck, P Tanner:
Publishing as a mode of teacher education
JALT Pan-SIG Conference, Shizuoka, 2006James Venema:
A History of Canadian Immigration
Aichi University of Education, 2005James Venema:
A History of Canadian Immigration
Aichi University of Education, 2005J Venema, I Ozawa, A Robins, F Webster:
A meeting of minds: bringing computers and teacher education together
JALT CALL Conference, Nagoya, 2003James Venema:
Developing classroom specific rating scales: clarifying teacher assessment of oral communicative competence
Language Testing in Asia in the 21st Century, Kyoto, 2002科学研究費補助金:
2016-2018, CLIL, 分担者
2024, 日本型教材の開発と授業デザインⅡ
2024, S オーラルコミュニケーションⅠ
2024, S ライティングⅠ
2024, S 異文化理解
2024, S 英語学講義Ⅲ
2024, S 英語学演習Ⅴ
2024, S オーラルコミュニケーションⅡ
2024, S 異文化講義Ⅰ
2024, S 異文化講義Ⅲ
2024, 日本型教材の開発と授業デザインⅠ
2019, 非該当
2017, 教員免許更新講習委員会 委員