イチノベ | クニオ | |
市延 | 邦夫 | (Ichinobe Kunio) |
自然科学系 数学教育講座
キーワード: k-総和法、Borel総和法、漸近解析、発散級数
Ichinobe, Kunio:
Integral Representation of the Solution for Inhomogeneous non-Kowalevskian Equations,
愛知教育大学研究報告. 自然科学編, 愛知教育大学研究報告. 自然科学編, Vol. 73, pp. 1-6, 2024Ichinobe, Kunio; Michalik Slawomir:
On the summability and convergence of formal solutions of linear q-difference-differential equations with constant coefficients. ,
Mathematische Annalen, Springer, Vol. 389, No. 2, pp. 1099-1130, 2023Ichinobe, Kunio:
A remark of k-summability of divergent solutions to some linear q-difference-differential equations with entire Cauchy data,
Formal and analytic solutions of differential equations, World Scientific, pp. 235-253, 2022Ichinobe, Kunio:
A remark of k-summability of divergent solutions to some linear partial differential equations with entire Cauchy data,
愛知教育大学研究報告、自然科学編, 愛知教育大学, Vol. 71, pp. 1-7, 2022 Ichinobem Kunio; Adachi Shunya:
On k-summability of formal solutions to the Cauchy problems for some linear q-difference-differential equations,
De Gruyter Proc. Math., De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 447-462, 2020市延邦夫、三宅正武:
Experimental observation on k-summability of divergent solutions of the heat equation with k>1,
数理解析研究所講究録, 京都大学数理解析研究所, Vol. 2101, pp. 13-22, 2019On the k-summability of formal solutions for a class of higher order partial differential equations with time-dependent coefficients,
Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 256, Springer, pp. 27-45, 2018On k-summability of formal solutions for certain higher order partial differential operators with polynomial coefficients,
Trend Math., Birkhauser/Springer, 2017k-summability of formal solutions for certain partial differential equations and the method of successive approximation,
数理解析研究所講究録、2020, 京都大学数理解析研究所, 2017Ichinobe, Kunio:
On k-summability of formal solutions for certain higher order partial differential operators with polynomial coefficients,
Trend Math., Birkhauser/Springer, pp. 351-368, 2017Ichinobe, Kunio:
k-summability of formal solutions for certain partial differential equations and the method of successive approximation,
数理解析研究所講究録, 京都大学, Vol. 2020, 2017集団遺伝学におけるHardy-Weinbergの法則に関する結果,
Bulletin of Aichi Univ. of Education, 62(Natural Sciences), 愛知教育大学, 2016遠投における投射角についての考察―45度神話の崩壊!?とラグランジュの未定乗数法―,
イプシロン, 愛知教育大学数学教育講座, 2016谷川孝之先生の「進路多様校におけるアクティブラーニングのあり方について―高校領域の定着を目指す―」の講演を聴いて,
イプシロン, 愛知教育大学数学教育講座, 2016On k-summability of formal solutions for certain partial differential operators with polynomial coefficients,
Opuscula Math. 35, Wydawnictwa AGH, 2015初年次演習-3年目(市延担当),
イプシロン, 愛知教育大学数学教育講座, 2015寺田先生の「ESDの視点から見る高等学校数学科の指導の在り方」の講演を聴いて,
イプシロン, 愛知教育大学数学教育講座, 2015On k-summability of formal solutions for a class of partial differential operators with time dependent coefficients,
J. Differential equations 257, No 8, Elsevier, 2014k-summability of formal solutions for linear PDEs with constant coefficients,
Bulletin of Aichi Univ. of Education, 61(Natural Sciences), 愛知教育大学, 2014初年次演習-2年目(市延担当)ー,
イプシロン, 愛知教育大学数学教育講座, 2014Summability of formal solution of Cauchy problem for some PDE with variable coefficients,
RIMS, Bessatsu, B40, RIMS, 2013定数係数線形常微分方程式の初期値問題の特殊解について,
Bulletin of Aichi Univ. of Education, 61(Natural Sciences), 愛知教育大学, 2013初年次演習,
イプシロン, 愛知教育大学数学教育講座, 2013初年次演習-市延担当ー,
イプシロン, 愛知教育大学数学教育講座, 2013Ichinobe Kunio, Miyake Masatake :
Multisummabilitiy of Formal Solutions for Some Ordinary Differential Equations,
愛知教育大学研究報告. 自然科学編, 愛知教育大学, Vol. 61, pp. 15-24, 2012Kunio Ichinobe and Masataka Miyake:
Decomposition of solutions of the cauchy problem of a quasi-homogeneous partial differential equation,
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 373-388, 2012Miyake Masatake, Ichinobe Kunio, Suzuki Hiroshi:
A Remark on Cyclic Vector for Singular System of Linear Ordinary Diffrential Equations,
愛知教育大学研究報告. 自然科学編, 愛知教育大学, Vol. 60, pp. 23-28, 2011Masatake Miyake and Kunio Ichinobe:
Irregularity for Singular System of Ordinary Differential Equations in Complex Domain,
Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, Vol. 52, pp. 53-82, 2009その他執筆物
愛知教育大学6年一貫教員養成コース, 20206一論叢
愛知教育大学6年一貫教員養成コース, 2019あしあと~教師のたまごたる自分をふりかえる~
愛知教育大学6年一貫教員養成コース, 2017口頭・ポスター発表
Ichinobe, Kunio:
k-summability of the formal solution of inhomogeneous non-Kowalevskian equations
広島複素解析セミナー, 広島大学, 2023市延邦夫:
On k-summability of divergent solutions of the inhomogeneous heat equation
seminar[Analytic theory of differentia equations], Polish Academy of Science, 2022市延邦夫:
On 1-summability of formal solution of inhomogeneous heat equation
Prospects in microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis, 数理解析研究所・京都大学, 2022A remark of k-summability of divergent solutions to some linear q-difference-differential equations with entire Cauchy data
Formal and Analytic Solutions of Diff. Equations on the Internet, スペイン・アルカラ大学, 2020Gevrey asymptotic solutions to the Cauchy problem of some linear q-difference-differential equations
Seminar on Analytic Theory of Differential Equations, ポーランド・バナッハセンター, 2019k-summability of divergent solutions to some linear q-difference-differential equations with entire Cauchy data
Formal and analytic solutions of functional equations, スペイン・アルカラ大学, 2019On k-summability of formal solutions to the Cauchy problem of some linear q-difference-differential equations
Formal and Analytic Solutions of Partial Differential Equations 2018, パドバ大学・イタリア, 2018A necessary condition for k-summability of formal solutions to some linear q-difference-differential equations
Complex Differential and Difference Equations, バナッハセンター・ポーランド(ポズナニ), 2018Characterization of k-summability of formal solutions to some q-difference-difference equations
Various Problems of Algebraic Analysis, RIMS・京都大学, 2018On k-summability of divergent solutions of heat equation with Cauchy data of entire function
山口微分方程式セミナー, 山口大学, 2018On k-summability of formal solutions for a class of higher order partial differential operators with time dependent coefficients
Formal and Analytic Solutions of diff. Equations, スペイン・アルカラ大学, 2017Experimental observation on the k-summability of divergent solutions of the heat equation with k>1
Microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis, RIMS・京都大学, 2017On the k-summability of divergent solutions of the heat equation with entire function Cauchy data
複素領域における関数方程式とその周辺, 広島大学, 2017The divergent power series slutions of partial differential equations on the complex domain and its k-summability
Seminar on Analytic Theory of Differential Equations, ポーランドバナッハセンター, 2017The divergent power series solutions of PDEs on the complex domain and its k-summability
Partial differential equations: General theory and Variational problems, フィリピン大学, 2016Experimental observation on the k-summability problem of divergent solutions of the heat equation with entire function Cauchy data
Formal and Analytic Solutions of Partial Differential Equations 2016, ポルトガル・リスボン大学, 2016k-summability of formal solutions for certain PDEs with time dependent polynomial coefficients
Analytic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Differential Equations, バナッハセンター・ポーランド, 2015k-summability of formal solutions for certain PDEs and the methods of successive approximation
Algebraic analytic methods in complex partial differential equations, RIMS・京都大学, 2015On k-summability of formal solutions for certain partial differential equations with time dependent polynomial coefficients
名古屋大学微分方程式セミナー, 名古屋大学, 2015k-summability of formal solutions for higher order partial differential equations with polynomial coefficients
Formal and Analytic Solutions of Functional Equations, バリャドリッド大学・スペイン, 2014Summability of formal solutions for certain PD operators with polynomial coefficients
漸近解析とボレル総和法, 広島大学, 2014k-summability of formal solutions for PD operators with constant coefficients
Formal and Analytic Solutions of Differential and Difference Equations, バナッハセンター・ポーランド, 2013k-summability of formal solutions for PD operators with constant coefficients
Global study of DE in the complex domain, バナッハセンター・ワルシャワ, 2013On k-summability of formal solutions for a class of partial differential operators with time dependent coefficients
第28回松山キャンプ(偏微分方程式セミナー), 山口大学, 2013On k-summability of formal solutions for a class of partial differential operators with time dependent coefficients
Borel summability of divergent solution, 広島大学, 2013複素領域における偏微分方程式に現れる発散解のk-総和法
なかもず解析セミナー, 大阪府立大学, 2013k-summability of the formal solution for a linear ordinary differential equation
愛知教育大学における微分方程式セミナー, 愛知教育大学, 2012Decomposition of solutions of the Cauchy problem of a quasi-homogeneous PDE
Formal and Analytic Solutions of Differential and Difference Equations, バナッハセンター・ポーランド, 2011Summability of formal solution of Cauchy problem for some PDE with variable coefficients
Recent development of micro-local analysis for the theory of asymptotic analysis, RIMS・京都大学, 2011科学研究費補助金:
2015-2019, 時間変数の係数をもつ線形偏微分方程式の発散級数解のボレル総和法とその応用, 代表者
2007-2008, あいう, 代表者
2024, S 解析学A
2024, 教材と授業開発F(高校数学:解析・確率・
2024, S 微分積分演習Ⅰ
2024, S 解析学概論
2024, S 微分積分Ⅰ
2024, S 微分積分Ⅱ
2024, S 解析学特論
2024, S 学校数学探究Ⅰ
2024, S 学校数学探究Ⅱ
2024, S 学校数学探究Ⅲ
2024, 教材と授業開発C(算数・数学:関数・デー
2024, 課題実践研究Ⅱ
2024, 課題実践研究Ⅰ
2024, S 数学探究Ⅲ
2024, S 数学探究Ⅱ
2024, S 数学探究Ⅰ
2023, 5, 球技における球の軌道の導出-流体力学を用いて-
2022, 4, 主成分分析による絵画作品の色彩的特徴の研究
2021, 4, ドラえもんはどのようにして3mm浮いているのかー円運動と万有引力の法則ー
2020, 1, ランダム化比較試験ー貧困解決への確実な一歩ー
2023, 進路・生活指導